Summer Hours: 五月 13 - July 26, 2024: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm
Visit campus to learn what Hawkeye has to offer you!
Services for 学生 in Need or Crisis
Our comprehensive training solutions feature world-class online curriculum, skills assessments, and real-world components for the best skill-building possibilities.
Hawkeye provides top-quality continuing education for emergency medical and healthcare workers. Our wide range of both face-to-face and online learning opportunities will keep you up to date on health issues, provide basic skills training, or provide opportunities for a new career.
Our wide range of classes, taught by experts in their field can help you gain basic health skills, train for a new career, advance and existing career, or earn continuing education credits to maintain your license. Browse and register for classes today!
Basic 生活 Support (BLS) for 医疗保健 Providers (AHA)
ASHI Adult First Aid, Adult, Child, Infant 心肺复苏, AED
Cedar Falls Center 319-277-2490 319-266-6772 (fax) 电子邮件 Hawkeye 健康 Education
布伦达赫尔穆特 Cedar Falls Center 101 319-296-2329 ext.3017 电子邮件 Hawkeye 健康 Education